



FRAG S.r.l ricerca un Product Engineer che si occuperà di sviluppare una parte dell’impianto partendo dall’esecuzione del disegno, seguendo le specifiche del Cliente, arrivando a preparare tutta la documentazione necessaria per la realizzazione, includendo anche i materiali e/o strumentazione necessaria per l’esecuzione del progetto, assicurandosi di non eccedere con il budget assegnato.

La risorsa lavorerà principalmente in ambito di carpenteria (strutture, piping, ecc.) utilizzata su impianti automatizzati per il settore Automotive. 

Principali Responsabilità:

  • Riesaminare la documentazione tecnica contrattuale assegnata dal Project Manager
  • Verifica la completezza della documentazione sotto il profilo tecnico per assicurarsi che ogni attività da sviluppare abbia il budget di spesa adeguato
  • Verificare il possibile utilizzo degli Standard Aziendali
  • Conoscere dettagliatamente la pianificazione delle attività di dettaglio di sua competenza e della parte di ingegneria ad essa legata
  • Confrontarsi con il PM e/o Commerciale, su eventuali non conformità rispetto alla documentazione di Preventivo e/o Contratto
  • Definire e verificare la tipologia e dimensione di ogni parte di impianto in accordo con le Specifiche e gli Schemi Funzionali 
  • Realizzare (e far realizzare) i disegni presenti nella lista degli elaborati includendo: la stesura totale o parziale dei disegni di assiemi e di sottoassiemi, nel rispetto dei Layout; assiemi di parti standard e la compilazione distinte base di dettaglio; studi di parti speciali, lo sviluppo di dettaglio dei costruttivi da parte dei particolaristi interni o esterni e ne controlla il risultato 
  • Supportare tutta la fase di punch list di progettazione
  • Effettuare sopralluoghi in cantiere per verificare la fattibilità delle operazioni o le eventuali modifiche da apportare al progetto
  • Interfacciarsi con il Cliente su questioni tecniche a supporto del Project Manager
  • Gestione archivio della documentazione tecnica di commessa 
  • Collaborare con il responsabile di riferimento per la revisione delle quantità previste nel progetto e dei relativi costi
  • Organizzare la corrispondenza competente verso l’interno del Team, i Fornitori ed il Cliente
  • Disponibilità ad effettuare sopralluoghi in cantiere per periodi medio / lunghi, come supporto tecnico durante la fase di montaggio impianti


  • Diploma tecnico ad indirizzo Meccanico o Laurea in Ingegneria
  • Almeno 3 anni di esperienza nella gestione e sviluppo di progetti che comprendono la realizzazione grafica, scelta dei materiali e dei relativi fornitori, rimanendo all’interno del budget assegnato
  • Pregressa esperienza su impianti di verniciatura e suoi prodotti
  • Esperienza nella gestione di progetti chiavi in mano “turn key”, preferibilmente relativi a skid
  • Pregressa esperienza nella gestione di fornitori e della documentazione tecnica 
  • Buona conoscenza e utilizzo dei software di progettazione in 3D/2D del pacchetto Autodesk (Autocad, Naviswork, ecc.)
  • Ottima conoscenza della lingua Inglese
  • Disponibilità ad effettuare trasferte media / lunga durata presso cantieri all’Estero

Sede di lavoro: Milano 

Disponibilità: asap

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The CV received will be considered "updated" approximately for a period of 2 years, after which the candidate may be asked to send a new or a revised resume. It is also in the candidate's interest to inform FRAG about changes in the activities and responsibilities assumed so FRAG could verify the candidate's placement in job opportunities with a good chance of success.


Dear User,
We wish to inform you, in your capacity as "interested" in the processing of data, that "Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016 provides for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data. According to the law, this treatment will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights. According to Article 13 of the Regulation, therefore, we provide you the following information:

1) Purpose of data processing
The data you provide will be used for the following purposes: research and selection of personnel. This activity will be carried out by way of example and not exhaustive: by evaluating your profile, your aptitudes and your professional skills, training courses or carrying out studies and statistical research. The personal data subject to processing are the information present in the curriculum vitae that you will transmit to us (or you have already forwarded to us) and related to personal data, academic qualifications, professional and work experiences, contractual framework, references, duties, motivations for change , aspirations, preferences, etc.

2) Data processing methods
Data processing will be managed as follows: computerized, telematic and paper based, with logic strictly related to the purposes referred to in point 1 and, in any case, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. The treatment is carried out by the owner and / or by the persons in charge of the processing.

3) Provision of data and refusal
3.1 - The provision of common personal data, details, former art. 35 of the regulation and judicial is optional but essential and necessary for the purposes of carrying out the activities referred to in the previous point 1).
3.2 - Any refusal by the interested party to provide personal data in the case referred to in this point 3) makes it impossible to carry out the activities referred to in point 1).
3.3. In the event of spontaneous sending of curricula, FRAG SRL may process the personal data contained therein, if of interest to the authorization for the processing of the data contained therein.
3.4 - It may happen that in the curriculum of which FRAG SRL comes into possession, special, criminal or specific risks are also contained. In this case, FRAG SRL may only process data relevant for the purpose of assessing your professional attitude, to the extent that the acquisition of such information is strictly necessary for the establishment of the collaboration relationship and not in contrast with the provisions of the Regulation EU, of the Provisions and General Authorizations of the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data, of the Legislative Decree n. 276/2003, of the Law n. 300/1970 (c.d. Statute of workers), of Law n.135 / 1990 as well as with the rules on equal opportunities or aimed at preventing discrimination.
3.5 - We inform you that the provision of the particular data referred to in the previous point 3.4 is required to the extent that it is closely related to the performance of the activity referred to in the previous point 1, when specifically addressed to research and selection of personnel belonging to protected categories . To this end, any failure to provide such particular data or any refusal of written consent to their processing, on your part, would make it impossible for FRAG SRL to proceed with the evaluation of your professional profile considering a correspondence with the needs of the customers of FRAG SRL itself to which the candidacy refers.

4) Data addressees and communications
Personal data may be disclosed to the persons in charge of processing and may be communicated for the purposes referred to in point 1) to employees, external collaborators, client companies that have granted direction to search for candidates and, generally, to all those public and private subjects to whom the communication is necessary for the correct fulfillment of the purposes indicated in point 1. Personal data may also be communicated or otherwise made available to public or private subjects in order to fulfill obligations under laws, regulations or by the Community legislation.

5) Data dissemination and transfer abroad
Personal data are not subject to disclosure. Personal data may be communicated and transferred, for the purposes referred to in point 1, to companies based outside the EU or for the research for candidates in non-EU countries. In case of transfer of data to countries outside the European Union, it will be verified that these countries can guarantee an adequate level of protection on the basis of a specific decision of the European Commission or alternatively the recipient will be contractually obliged to data protection with an adequate level comparable to the protection provided by the GDPR.

6) Data retention
Personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for the correct fulfillment of the purposes indicated in point 1. The criteria used to determine the retention period are linked to the duration of the research and selection of personnel, training courses and the performance of statistical and research studies. In any case, the maximum data retention time is estimated at 36 months from the beginning of the processing.

7) Access, rectification, cancellation (right to be forgotten), opposition and data portability
It is your right to ask the data controller the access to personal data and to correct, erase or forget them, or to limit the processing of your personal data or to oppose their processing. It is also your right to request the portability of data, or to obtain the data in a structured format of common use and readable by an automatic device to transmit it to another data controller without hindrance from the data controller.

8) Withdrawal of consent
If the processing, even of particular data, is based on the consent [on the article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Regulation, or on the article 9, paragraph 2, letter a) of the Regulation], it is your right to revoke the very consent at any time without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.

9) Complaint
It is your right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority.

10) Profiling
We inform you that no automated decision-making process is used in the processing of your data.

11) Data Controller
The Data Controller is FRAG SRL in the person of its Legal Representative Mr. Francesco Gardoni, with registered and operational headquarters in Via G. Zuretti, 51 20125, Milan, tel. 02 66986749, VAT number 04032290969, mail: info@frag2000.com

12) Rights of the interested party

At any time you can exercise your rights towards the data controller, in accordance with articles 15 and ss of the Regulation, to be understood, here transcribed
The FRAG company reserves the right to preliminary evaluate the CV and to indicate in the e-mail of thanks the consistency of the candidacy to the open position, consequently to the candidates whose experience is consistent with the requested position will be sent an "Informative questionnaire" in order to deepen knowledge of expected working conditions, also in the light of subsequent equivalent job opportunities.
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